Home Timetabling Services Outsourcing the timetable

Outsourcing the school timetable

Outsourcing could be a cheaper option if your school doesn't have an internal dedicated timetabler.

Timetables are getting more and more complicated and increasing numbers of schools are looking to outsource.

Rule of thumb

Timetable in house when:

  • Less than 500 students
  • One week timetable
  • Staff on-cost =< 15%
  • 100% dedicated timetabler role

Get in-house support
Training courses and workshops

Timetabling consultancy

Check your cost

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Price guarantee

At MIST Services we are very confident that our prices and level of service are very competitive, although if you have been quoted like-for-like (from a registered company, VAT registered company and same level of service) elsewhere we will price match.

How does outsourcing work?

Many schools and Academies wish to 'outsource' the timetable or part of the timetabling process. At MIST Services we find that some reasons for outsourcing (although not exhaustive) all or part of the timetable process are:

  • School/Academy not having the appropriate skillset within their establishment
  • School/Academy wishing to support a colleague
  • Have lost their timetabler at short notice
  • Wish to free up a senior leader from the time consuming task of timetabling
  • Wish to use external partners to analyse existing situations and make recommendations
  • Find it a cost effective solution

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Project overview

  • Initial meeting with school personnel to discuss, understand and agree a curriculum plan
  • Understand restrictions and constraints in respect to the timetable i.e. timetabling parameters
  • Understand who the 'lead' person will be liaising with MIST Services relating to Curriculum and timetabling decisions
  • Understand who the 'lead' administrator will be liaising with MIST Services relating to MIS data
  • Agree milestones of the project and ultimately delivery date
  • MIST Services delivers HOD training (if within scope of project)
  • MIST Services enters curriculum plan
  • MIST Services runs feasibility tests and feedbacks accordingly
  • Meeting held (if appropriate), with focus on signing off curriculum and agree scheduling strategy
  • MIST Services schedule the timetable
  • MIST Services delivers timetable back
  • MIST Services delivers individual teacher timetables
  • MIST Services delivers individual subject timetables (or subject areas as defined by the school/Academy)

How do we work?

MIST Services can communicate with stakeholders through the following methods:

  • On-site visits as per scope of project
  • Email
  • Telephone conversations
  • 'Live chat' allows:
    • MIST Services to view and control the clients computer screen 'remotely'
    • MIST Services to show their computer screen 'remotely' to the client
    • MIST Services to host a 'Webinar' where many people can see the presentation
  • 'File share' the school/Academy has their own secure area on MIST Services' website where they can 'log in' and download timetable files that have been uploaded by MIST Services. The school/Academy can decide who has access to this functionality. It is extremely useful for MIST Services to distribute draft timetables to many colleagues and as it is web based you can access it where ever you have internet access.

  • 'File share' allows the school/Academy to upload 'large' files to MIST Services that you either wish not to email or are too large as an email attachment.

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