Timetable and training services

Tel: 07590219746 - www.mistservices.co.uk

Home Services Timetabling Academy

The Timetabling Academy

MIST Timetabling Academy

We are totally committed to training!

We have delivered years of training courses, but this is offering timetabling training as a complete and supported package. The concept underpinning the Academy is to help individuals through the timetabling process in a planned and strategic way to allow you to stay in control and produce the end result of a timetable!

Effectively this makes the Academy a viable alternative to a school outsourcing their timetable, as the individual will be taken through the relevant training courses, and working on their own data, they will be able to write the school's timetable.

More than just training, a whole new support network

The Timetabling Academy is much more than just training though. Beyond the structured courses, we offer unlimited access to our monthly workshops, where the timetabler can come back in and work on their timetable with experts help at hand.

We are also recognising that timetabling can be a very challenging and lonely task - and by joining the Academy delegates not only have access to world-quality professional timetablers but also a network of other timetablers who bring together a vast amount of knowledge and experience from a whole range of different schools, and offer great opportunities to collaborate within this community.

For beginners and experienced timetablers

The Academy is being offered as three packages; depending on the individuals previous timetabling experience. The packages have been designed with all timetablers (regardless of software solution used) in mind, so it doesn't matter if you are fresh into timetabling or a seasoned timetabler!

What package will I need?

Beginners: Is designed for the novice timetabler who has little or no experience of constructing a whole school-timetable. It takes you through the principles of timetabling and then on to the collection of data and production of the timetable.

Intermediate: You have experienced the joys and challenges of constructing a timetable and have a good understanding of the principles of timetabling. You may well feel you could benefit from professional help and support to look at things afresh or introduce new features to your timetable. You will have the opportunity to meet like-minded professionals.

Advanced: You may well have attended our training courses or workshops in the past and have realised the value of getting away from school and spend time with like-minded colleagues in a peaceful environment where you can concentrate on building the timetable. You will be re-assured that once part of the Academy 'family' you will never be on your own struggling with meeting timetable deadlines.

Packages and prices

Timetabling Academy packages and prices

If you have already booked (or taken a course) a MIST Services since September 2014, and are interested in joining the Academy, then the cost of the course can be deducted from the cost of the Academy price.

We look forward to welcoming you at our timetabling Academy.

Apply now for a space on the Timetabling Academy

Delegate name  
Academy package


Tel: 07590219746 - www.mistservices.co.uk