Scheduling your curriculum with TimeTabler
1 day (9:30-4pm), £239+vat
- Blue dates are in Market Harborough
- Green dates are online but led by a trainer
- Pink are online/self study
This one-day course (typically second day of two days of training) is designed to allow users to understand how to schedule your curriculum in TimeTabler. Whether that is manually, interactively or fully automatic (or a hybrid of all three).
The course is designed for any level of timetabler using TimeTabler software to create the school timetable but we would strongly encourage that the Curriculum planning with TimeTabler course has been attended. The training day is designed purely around scheduling and not the setting up of the curriculum.
All-in-one PCs and training data are provided and the format of the day is very much hands-on. The course is run as an 11-18, 2-week timetable, although other training dataset (International and Prep/Junior are available for you to use at your leisure).
We operate small groups of a maximum trainer to delegate ratio of 1:10 and you will receive a certificate of attendance. You will also gain access to the on-line course too so you can reference materials (and extra material) at your leisure so please ensure you use your email address when booking.
NB If you are a Gold-Start school you can substitute your 1 hour remote session and reduce the fee by £95 (but can’t be used in conjunction with other vouchers). Please state on the booking form when booked, discount won’t be applied retrospectively.
Course dates
- Scheduling Fixed points
- Manually scheduling lessons
- Interactively scheduling your timetable
- Understanding the Move/Fit routine
- Understanding different Day block statuses (acceptable quality)
- Use of staff and class timetables
- Use of filters and the concentrate feature
- Scheduling Container blocks, consistent groups, simple blocks and pure classes
Quality reports, Printing and Exporting
- Examining the quality of your schedule
- Analysis of split teaching
- What is an individual timetable
- What is a master timetable
- Changing the design of the printouts
- Running export to your MIS
- Checking the validations
- Receiving three Passes on the export!
Chris Knights-Branch
I love timetabling, there is no other way to say it!
This one-day course will cover all aspects of scheduling. There are very few schools where you can press the ‘magic’ button have a coffee and voila your timetable is complete! As such we’ll discuss scheduling strategy, the different scheduling methods and the really important aspect of what to do if there is a problem!
Just remember an 80% scheduled timetable is just that! 20% is still to go and at times that’s where the hard work begins.
If you have any questions about the course just fill in the form below. Look forward to working with you.