Timetable Outsourcing
Timetables are getting more and more complicated and increasing number of schools are looking to outsource. As a company we will only take on limited number of schools so booking early is recommended.
- Reasons for outsourcing (although not exhaustive) all or part of the timetable process are:
- School/Academy not having the appropriate skillset within their establishment
- School/Academy wishing to support a colleague
- Have lost their timetabler at short notice
- Wish to free up a senior leader from the time consuming task of timetabling
- Wish to use external partners to analyse existing situations and make recommendations
- Find it a cost effective solution
For a quote please email mist@mistservices.co.uk your current timetabling file or a curriculum diagram so that a bespoke quote can be created for your needs. We operate two modes which are described below.
Schools use this method when they wish to free up key members of staff and shift the time-consuming task of writing the whole timetable to MIST Services. Using this model, MIST Services take delivery of all the essential data necessary to create your timetable and then create a full schedule within the set parameters.
This model is ideal for schools who have lost key members of staff and require outside expertise to design and implement a new timetable. An overview is to the right.

Initial discussion
- Initial discussion with senior school personnel to understand and agree a curriculum plan
- Understand restrictions and constraints in respect to the timetable i.e. timetabling parameters
- Understand who the ‘lead’ person will be liaising with MIST Services relating to Curriculum and timetabling decisions
- Agree milestones of the project and ultimately delivery date

Curriculum planning and data entry
- MIST Services enters curriculum plan
- MIST Services can provide staffing grids for HODs
- MIST Services runs feasibility tests and feedbacks accordingly
- Signing off curriculum and agree scheduling strategy

Scheduling the timetable
- MIST Services schedule the timetable
- Draft timetables provided at key stages for checking by school

Returning the timetable
- Finalisation meeting held
- MIST Services delivers timetable back
- Timetabling file returned
The Collaborative Mode is the most efficient and economical way of creating your timetable. Working in concert with a senior member of your school’s team MIST Services will complete the stressful and resource-consuming process of scheduling and finalizing your timetable within just 5-10 days.
Using the following procedure MIST Services will enter your basic data, curriculum, and staffing in advance of the “scheduling days” (can be split up). During the pre-booked sessions in our Market Harborough offices or remotely via Zoom, MIST Services will create your school’s schedule whilst working alongside your senior colleague who is able to react and execute decisions immediately. An overview of key tasks is:

Initial discussion
- Initial discussion with senior school personnel to understand and agree a curriculum plan
- Understand restrictions and constraints in respect to the timetable i.e. timetabling parameters
- Understand who the ‘lead’ person will be liaising with MIST Services relating to Curriculum and timetabling decisions
- Agree milestones of the project and ultimately delivery date

Curriculum planning and data entry
- MIST Services enters curriculum plan in advance
- MIST Services enters staffing in advance
- MIST Services enters restrictions and constraints in respect to the timetable i.e. timetabling parameters in advance
- MIST Services runs feasibility tests and feedbacks accordingly in advance

Scheduling the timetable
- MIST Services and school representative schedule the timetable together during the ‘Scheduling days’ in Market Harborough or on-line
- Draft timetables provided at key stages for checking

Returning the timetable
- School receives the completed timetable by end of the ‘Scheduling days’
- School representative takes away completed timetabling file
Expert help from experienced timetabling consultants, working on your specific data.
We pride ourselves on being able to offer timetabling consultancy days that are right for the school. Whether it is a singe onsite consultancy day (9:30am-4pm unless arranged otherwise) at your school or at our offices or a range of bespoke consultancy days everything is designed to specifically meet your needs.
We do not charge travel or accommodation (within 150 miles of Market Harborough), so the price quoted is the price! If you are further a field then please contact us and we can give you a fixed cost. Training and consultancy days are for up to 4 people, but should you wish extra colleagues to attend then they are charged at £100+vat each.
We also offer International training packages, so please contact us for further information.
We are confident that we deliver the best timetabling related consultancies, but we are also confident that we deliver it at the best price too. Please feel free to compare our consultancies with other consultancy companies and if you find like-for-like cheaper we will match the price (has to be a registered company and VAT registered).
Online (remote support)
£95+vat – 1 hour
£190+vat – 2 hours
£265+vat – 3 hours
Online training/consultancy
£265+vat – Half day (9:30-12:30 or 13:00-16:00)
£495+vat – Full day (9:30-16:00)
email for availability
Market Harborough training/consultancy
£545+vat – Full day (9:30-16:00)
email for availability
On-site training/consultancy
£845+vat – Full day (9:30-16:00)
email for availability
International training/consultancy
email for availability and pricing
Have a question
Lots to take on board?
We understand that there is a lot of information, so if you still have a question please just ask.